Research Projects

COVID-19 detection with blood spectroscopy

In this project, we are trying to identify the presence of covid-19 virus using blood spectroscopy. We are using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) method to analyze the blood of a covid patient.

Causal Effects of Antidepressants on COVID-19 Outcomes

By mining large data set of covid positive patients, we discovered the causal effect of different common antidepressants drug on covid-19 outcome. While discovering detrimental effects of these drugs on outcome could guide preventive care, identification of beneficial effects would allow us to propose drug re-purposing for COVID-19 treatment.

Knowledge Transfer across Imaging Modalities Via Simultaneous Learning of Adaptive Autoencoders for High-Fidelity Mobile Robot Vision.

Enabling mobile robots for solving challenging and diverse shape, texture, and motion related tasks with high fidelity vision requires the integration of novel multimodal imaging sensors and advanced fusion techniques. However, it is associated with high cost, power, hardware modification, and computing requirements which limit its scalability. In this paper, we propose a novel Simultaneously Learned Auto Encoder Domain Adaptation (SAEDA)-based transfer learning technique to empower noisy sensing with advanced sensor suite capabilities.
